What's the most wet, goopy aromatic tobacco you can think of? On the cheap side.
Molto Dolce is your tobacco then.? It's a really good one.I don't want it to dry. That's the whole point.
Not going to find tins much less expensive, but for bulk, if you like Molto Dolce, here's your tobacco.I like it. It's not cheap though.
Not going to find tins much less expensive, but for bulk
Cornell Diehl's Crooner has deertongue that works well for that too.Because I dry out the tobacco to scent a room.
Have you tried rehydrating the spent, dry tobacco with vanilla, maple and/or whiskey? A few squirts from a spray bottle should do.
Sutliff Creme Brulee sounds like it would be perfect for your use. It's available cheaply in bulk, and very goopy.