This is more of my experience with this tobacco than a true full on review.
This tin was recently ordered and new to me and the packaging date on the bottom of the tin is October 27, 2015.
This is my first time preparing and smoking a plug tobacco. Upon opening the tin I found the aroma to be very pleasing, slightly sweet and rich and not too strong. The plug felt very firm and was drier than I expected it to be, but not too dry. I sliced off a nice thin strip and rubbed it out and then let it sit for about 15 minutes before packing my pipe and lighting up. I chose a Brigham Algonquin pipe to sample this tobacco because this pipe is one of my oldest and has a nice cake build up.
A few quick puffs for a charring light and then I let the pipe sit for a couple minutes. A light tamping, more fire from the Zippo and off we go. I smoked a full bowl and only needed a couple relights along the way. The taste of this tobacco was really nice. I found it to be very full and "balanced" but didn't find it to be too strong which is pleasing to my tastes. This was a very mild, dry, cool smoke and I tasted mostly a dry grassy flavour that to me was very pleasing. I frequently sipped cool water while smoking and also a nice full bold red wine ( Blackstone Merlot) which accompanied the tobacco nicely. It also left a nice grassy aftertaste in my mouth for a short time after smoking which I enjoyed. Overall I have to say I found this to be a very pleasant smoking experience. I will surely be ordering several more tins of this blend to add to the cellar.
This being my first go at a plug tobacco I must also add that I found the slicing and preparation of the plug to by quite fun and it added a little something extra to the experience. I used a lovely little handmade Damascus knife given to me by a hunting buddy and a handmade apple wood cutting board that I made myself just for cutting plug tobacco.
I would definitely recommend this smoke to a newer smoker, like myself, looking to explore stronger blends. It's strong enough but I didn't find it to be too powerful.
Thanks for reading. Jim :