Bumping this thread rather than start a new thread for my amateur, new fart review/impressions. I received a tin of this from a very generous piper, dated '09.
The first bowl I had was good, but just a lat bomb. Nothing that set it apart from my current lat favorites, Penzance, Ten Russians or Bill Bailey's Balkan Blend (say that three times fast).
On my second bowl in a short lovat Pete, and my third which I'm having now as I type this (in a huge monster poker by moretti) I'm getting a sweet, buttery note whenever I French inhale or snork. It's lovely. I had this similar taste before from a sample of Shortcut to Mushrooms that someone mailed me. But then it was too sweet. Sickly and cloying.
Here the soft buttery note comes after the first taste, which is of woodsy, heavy char. Then comes a little bit of spice on the tongue . Third is this soft buttery taste (wish I could think of better descriptors for this taste, but sweet butter on corn is as close as I can get it right now).
I love this stuff. Will be buying some more and throwing it in the cellar, since fresh out of the tin I don't know if I'd get these complexities.