This is my first post and this is my first "nice" piece of briar. I currently smoke a Grabow and a MM cob. My girlfriend gave me this (Don Gustavo?) That she picked up from a B&M as a gift. Upon checking out the rustication (I like it) I immediately saw what I thought was a crack. I didn't want to say anything and detract from the moment. Once the I removed the stem the crack was clear as daylight. How is this usually handled? Every smoking related shop I've ever been to is all sales final. I have to call them tomorrow and see if they're willing to do anything. I also tried to Google search the maker but got nowhere. Not even listed on pipepedia. Maybe I'm misreading the name? Does anyone have any info on this maker? Maybe advise on dealing with the B&M? Kinda bummed because I do like how it looks.