Hello everybody, long time no type . I have been in and out of the hospital for the last 6 months and haven't been able to smoke. I was getting kind of depressed not being able to take part in any pipes mag fun, or new blends that have come out over that time. While I was in the hospital getting more broke not just in body but bank account as well (crap insurance). I realized I had alot of tins just sitting gathering dust. I hadn't even pulled them out and gazed at them in a long while. Now in my pipe smoking journey I realized I'm not much of a collector more of a hoarder and should pass these off to other people. I have sold in the past alot of the best stuff I had, to aquire new, not up to par blends and some that were just as good to me as the older stuff. That is where my new focus is. Collecting bulk blends that I smoke everyday is my new desire. Over the next few weeks I will have more blends to offer to you gentlemen (and ladies) but for now here is a taste of what's to come. If you want more pics just ask in a PM. Open to reasonable negotiations.
Shipping is $5 on each or free if you spend $100 or more.
1. (2001) Original GLP "Stonehenge Flake" perfectly sealed (SOLD)

2. Nording Hunter "Beagle" (2017) only va/per of this series ($40)

3. (2 tins) Sutliff BOAF "Anomalous" Katerini perique ($50)

4. C&D "small batch" blends can be bought as the lot or in single tins. If you buy the lot it will be cheaper of course. If you want to buy a single tin PM for price. If a single tin sells the lot price will be updated accordingly.
For the remaining tins ($115)
1. 2020 Sunbear
2. 2021 CRFwP
3. 2017 Father of the Flame
4. 2021 From Beyond
5. 2022 Eight State Burley
6. 2022 Anthology 1992-2022
7. 2022 CRF
8. 2023 CRFwP
9. 2023 The Beast

Shipping is $5 on each or free if you spend $100 or more.
1. (

2. Nording Hunter "Beagle" (2017) only va/per of this series ($40)

4. C&D "small batch" blends can be bought as the lot or in single tins. If you buy the lot it will be cheaper of course. If you want to buy a single tin PM for price. If a single tin sells the lot price will be updated accordingly.
For the remaining tins ($115)
2. 2021 CRFwP
3. 2017 Father of the Flame
4. 2021 From Beyond
5. 2022 Eight State Burley
7. 2022 CRF
8. 2023 CRFwP

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