Hello, all!
I hope everyone is well. I've been a cigarette smoker for 16 years. This past February my partner bought me my first tobacco pipe. There were a lot of reasons that persuaded me to transition from cigarettes to pipe tobacco: 1. I love tobacco. I love the smell of all different kinds of tobacco. Since I loved the smell, I thought, "why not dabble in other kinds of tobaccos?" 2. Cigarettes are expensive. I was easily spending a 100 dollars a month purchasing cartons. I also felt tethered because of my addiction, and I was frankly tired of purchasing cigarettes (most of them quite tasteless) just to satisfy my cravings. 3. I wanted something that I could enjoy. Something that would help me relax and slow down. I'm a PhD student and English student. While I enjoy the work that I do, it can become quite stressful and demanding. I wanted something that I could enjoy that was just for me and me alone.
To be honest, I never had any problems that many beginners have smoking a tobacco pipe, such as packing, lighting, and cleaning. I had not read any literature about the methods of tobacco smoking prior to my partner purchasing my pipe. It wasn't until a month after the purchase of my first pipe that I decided to scour online for information about tobacco smoking. About what? Completely transitioning from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking. After reading a few articles, such as the pipepedia article and other responses in forums, I was still struggling from transitioning from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking. So, after much thinking, I decided to purchase a ryo machine to allow me to monitor the amount of cigarettes that I was smoking. I would then substitute or trade off smoking a cigarette to smoking a pipe. I had moderate success with this but not as much success as I would've hoped. I then began to try other kinds pipe tobacco, hoping that this would ease my N cravings, such as various OTCS, non-aromatics, and aromatics that were recommended on various forums...nope. It just didn't do it for me. So, I decided to sit down and really think (of course while smoking my pipe) what do I really want out of my tobacco at least for now? I then decided that I really enjoyed the taste and flavor of aromatics. I love the smell. I love the taste. And so, I purchased a couple of aromatics from P&C. Since purchasing these aromatics (Buttered Rum and Sunset Rum) my transition has gotten a bit easier. In short, I had forgotten my original purposes of switching: not the nicotine but the smells, tastes, feelings, and dreams that come from tobacco smoking. Sometimes us cigarette smokers get so caught up about nicotine because we have been conditioned to get caught up about it. I soon started to see that I was smoking less cigarettes. Yet, I was still getting moments where I just really wanted a cigarette. Again, I began to think again. I had purchased a couple of weeks ago some Kite Mentholated tobacco (I smoked menthol cigarettes) to roll up in my Top Machine. I decided to put just a bit of that in my pipe to experiment. And wham! I was given a kick in a pants, a jolt and surge of nicotine. I then realized that one way to completely switch over from cigarettes to tobacco smoke might be to put a bit of cigarette tobacco in the pipe in the morning to give one that jolt that he or she desperately needs. And then to smoke one's choice of pipe tobacco for the remainder of the day. If one needs a bit more of that jolt in the afternoon, then partake again until one feels the cravings subside.
The awesome thing about this technique is that the cigarette tobacco picks up a bit of the ghost flavorings left behind in the pipe. Therefore, in a way, one is tricking or conditioning the brain to focus on flavor not the nicotine. One also transitions completely from cigarettes to pipe, allowing the cigarette user to get used to the pipe.
However, I must stress that I do use a Baraccini 9mm pipe with charcoal filters. I also use other pipes with filters because of my tendency to accidentally inhale. I strongly recommend smokers like me using those in the event that you do inhale. I was smoking menthol lights before purchasing a tobacco pipe, so it makes sense to me to do so. I typically do not inhale but sometimes will out of habit.
I hope everyone is well. I've been a cigarette smoker for 16 years. This past February my partner bought me my first tobacco pipe. There were a lot of reasons that persuaded me to transition from cigarettes to pipe tobacco: 1. I love tobacco. I love the smell of all different kinds of tobacco. Since I loved the smell, I thought, "why not dabble in other kinds of tobaccos?" 2. Cigarettes are expensive. I was easily spending a 100 dollars a month purchasing cartons. I also felt tethered because of my addiction, and I was frankly tired of purchasing cigarettes (most of them quite tasteless) just to satisfy my cravings. 3. I wanted something that I could enjoy. Something that would help me relax and slow down. I'm a PhD student and English student. While I enjoy the work that I do, it can become quite stressful and demanding. I wanted something that I could enjoy that was just for me and me alone.
To be honest, I never had any problems that many beginners have smoking a tobacco pipe, such as packing, lighting, and cleaning. I had not read any literature about the methods of tobacco smoking prior to my partner purchasing my pipe. It wasn't until a month after the purchase of my first pipe that I decided to scour online for information about tobacco smoking. About what? Completely transitioning from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking. After reading a few articles, such as the pipepedia article and other responses in forums, I was still struggling from transitioning from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking. So, after much thinking, I decided to purchase a ryo machine to allow me to monitor the amount of cigarettes that I was smoking. I would then substitute or trade off smoking a cigarette to smoking a pipe. I had moderate success with this but not as much success as I would've hoped. I then began to try other kinds pipe tobacco, hoping that this would ease my N cravings, such as various OTCS, non-aromatics, and aromatics that were recommended on various forums...nope. It just didn't do it for me. So, I decided to sit down and really think (of course while smoking my pipe) what do I really want out of my tobacco at least for now? I then decided that I really enjoyed the taste and flavor of aromatics. I love the smell. I love the taste. And so, I purchased a couple of aromatics from P&C. Since purchasing these aromatics (Buttered Rum and Sunset Rum) my transition has gotten a bit easier. In short, I had forgotten my original purposes of switching: not the nicotine but the smells, tastes, feelings, and dreams that come from tobacco smoking. Sometimes us cigarette smokers get so caught up about nicotine because we have been conditioned to get caught up about it. I soon started to see that I was smoking less cigarettes. Yet, I was still getting moments where I just really wanted a cigarette. Again, I began to think again. I had purchased a couple of weeks ago some Kite Mentholated tobacco (I smoked menthol cigarettes) to roll up in my Top Machine. I decided to put just a bit of that in my pipe to experiment. And wham! I was given a kick in a pants, a jolt and surge of nicotine. I then realized that one way to completely switch over from cigarettes to tobacco smoke might be to put a bit of cigarette tobacco in the pipe in the morning to give one that jolt that he or she desperately needs. And then to smoke one's choice of pipe tobacco for the remainder of the day. If one needs a bit more of that jolt in the afternoon, then partake again until one feels the cravings subside.
The awesome thing about this technique is that the cigarette tobacco picks up a bit of the ghost flavorings left behind in the pipe. Therefore, in a way, one is tricking or conditioning the brain to focus on flavor not the nicotine. One also transitions completely from cigarettes to pipe, allowing the cigarette user to get used to the pipe.
However, I must stress that I do use a Baraccini 9mm pipe with charcoal filters. I also use other pipes with filters because of my tendency to accidentally inhale. I strongly recommend smokers like me using those in the event that you do inhale. I was smoking menthol lights before purchasing a tobacco pipe, so it makes sense to me to do so. I typically do not inhale but sometimes will out of habit.