From Cigarettes to Pipe-A Story

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Mar 24, 2015
Hello, all!
I hope everyone is well. I've been a cigarette smoker for 16 years. This past February my partner bought me my first tobacco pipe. There were a lot of reasons that persuaded me to transition from cigarettes to pipe tobacco: 1. I love tobacco. I love the smell of all different kinds of tobacco. Since I loved the smell, I thought, "why not dabble in other kinds of tobaccos?" 2. Cigarettes are expensive. I was easily spending a 100 dollars a month purchasing cartons. I also felt tethered because of my addiction, and I was frankly tired of purchasing cigarettes (most of them quite tasteless) just to satisfy my cravings. 3. I wanted something that I could enjoy. Something that would help me relax and slow down. I'm a PhD student and English student. While I enjoy the work that I do, it can become quite stressful and demanding. I wanted something that I could enjoy that was just for me and me alone.
To be honest, I never had any problems that many beginners have smoking a tobacco pipe, such as packing, lighting, and cleaning. I had not read any literature about the methods of tobacco smoking prior to my partner purchasing my pipe. It wasn't until a month after the purchase of my first pipe that I decided to scour online for information about tobacco smoking. About what? Completely transitioning from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking. After reading a few articles, such as the pipepedia article and other responses in forums, I was still struggling from transitioning from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking. So, after much thinking, I decided to purchase a ryo machine to allow me to monitor the amount of cigarettes that I was smoking. I would then substitute or trade off smoking a cigarette to smoking a pipe. I had moderate success with this but not as much success as I would've hoped. I then began to try other kinds pipe tobacco, hoping that this would ease my N cravings, such as various OTCS, non-aromatics, and aromatics that were recommended on various forums...nope. It just didn't do it for me. So, I decided to sit down and really think (of course while smoking my pipe) what do I really want out of my tobacco at least for now? I then decided that I really enjoyed the taste and flavor of aromatics. I love the smell. I love the taste. And so, I purchased a couple of aromatics from P&C. Since purchasing these aromatics (Buttered Rum and Sunset Rum) my transition has gotten a bit easier. In short, I had forgotten my original purposes of switching: not the nicotine but the smells, tastes, feelings, and dreams that come from tobacco smoking. Sometimes us cigarette smokers get so caught up about nicotine because we have been conditioned to get caught up about it. I soon started to see that I was smoking less cigarettes. Yet, I was still getting moments where I just really wanted a cigarette. Again, I began to think again. I had purchased a couple of weeks ago some Kite Mentholated tobacco (I smoked menthol cigarettes) to roll up in my Top Machine. I decided to put just a bit of that in my pipe to experiment. And wham! I was given a kick in a pants, a jolt and surge of nicotine. I then realized that one way to completely switch over from cigarettes to tobacco smoke might be to put a bit of cigarette tobacco in the pipe in the morning to give one that jolt that he or she desperately needs. And then to smoke one's choice of pipe tobacco for the remainder of the day. If one needs a bit more of that jolt in the afternoon, then partake again until one feels the cravings subside.
The awesome thing about this technique is that the cigarette tobacco picks up a bit of the ghost flavorings left behind in the pipe. Therefore, in a way, one is tricking or conditioning the brain to focus on flavor not the nicotine. One also transitions completely from cigarettes to pipe, allowing the cigarette user to get used to the pipe.
However, I must stress that I do use a Baraccini 9mm pipe with charcoal filters. I also use other pipes with filters because of my tendency to accidentally inhale. I strongly recommend smokers like me using those in the event that you do inhale. I was smoking menthol lights before purchasing a tobacco pipe, so it makes sense to me to do so. I typically do not inhale but sometimes will out of habit.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
A good many of us have dumped cigs for pipes. Your reasons are sound. I hope you learn to be satisfied with obtaining your Vit N via your mucosa rather than your inhalations. If you work at it, you will. Then your health will be much less threatened, from all I've read.

I've tried to implement some of the old tobacco I had on hand when I switched to pipes and it just makes whatever I put it in awful. (OHM Bold) I've given up on trying to smoke that stuff.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Just do whatever it takes to quit smoking cigarettes. You likely know that you can't expect to gain the health benefits of switching to pipes, if you inhale. It is a temptation, I know.
Congratulations on your success thus far.



Mar 20, 2014
I think that most would have long ago just given up on trying to "get"'the pipe smoking thing. Your preserverence tells me that you may well be destined for along sojourn into pipes and tobaccos. One you've weened your dependency on cigerettes and the crap they infuse into that stuff, you will begin to see why many of us get so worked up over different pipe blends. Good luck to you!

Jan 4, 2015
Stay with it. Recognize when you're stressed the "quick hit" one get from a cigarette is a strong temptation. Simply changing from one form of delivery to another isn't really getting you away from the problem. It might be for you the best way to transition but in the end if you don't beat the addiction to vit. n cigarettes will once again become a matter of convenience.



Feb 27, 2015
If I can give a wee bit of advice.. try mixing your pipe and an E-cig. That's been my go to after trying just e-cigs and just pipe.. Using both in and out seems to be a sure bet, to the point I rarely use my ecig, and just the pipe when I desire. It's a quick hit of nicotine when you need it between pipefulls of bliss, and if you're like me, mouthfulls of good hard cider.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
It has been my lifelong quest to quit smoking that has led me to the pipe. Thank goodness I've found you.

I was smoking Drum roll your owns that came with the best cig papers I've ever used. I hated my addiction, but these cigarettes were the most effective and least disruptive.

Taxation arrived on cigarettes and on my Drum, so I began to use other tobaccos in search of a suitable replacement.

Meanwhile, I really didn't LOVE smoking, and had quit smoking cigarettes for a year or more several times throughout the course of my nicotine addiction. Stress would drive me back each time. 3x's were over 5 yrs. I can't remember how many other 'quits' lasted at least a year and many others were shorter.

I have always struggled to quit but have had the bug in my brain that demanded satisfaction.

It's really the paper in RYO's that caused me to try out a pipe as an avoidance measure.

I could never find those same JOB papers that came with Drum. I really think it is the paper that was causing me the most trouble health wise with cigs. I'd get an upper chest irritation from them.

One day a light went on. Smoke a pipe, and eliminate the paper!

So, at first, my pipe smoking consisted of substituting a MM Legend for papers and attempting to smoke up the bulk bag of ryo cig tobacco I had on hand. Yes, I inhaled. It wasn't pleasant, but I was able to stave off the bug's demands and avoid smoking paper.

My next epiphany was a decent pipe tobacco. That made me think about trying other decent blends. I began to learn about my new FIXation online and was soon hit with both T AND P Acquisition Disorder.

For the first time in my life I've really taken the hook and been able to enjoy smoking, and have learned to smoke a pipe the way a pipe is recommended to be smoked. (not inhaling)

The bug is still there, but I've tricked him into waiting for a more gradual 'fix' that we both can enjoy.



Feb 27, 2015
Haha. Mine's an odd story.. I've been trying to quit for a while. Been smoking cigarettes since I was.. 16 I think. Luckily I am still young, 23 years young to be exact. I just have found a dislike for cigarettes in a big way. The smell, the taste, the couching. And I'm not nor have I ever been a pack a day smoker. I just I guess fell out of amore with cigarettes quick! I've tried e-cigs, cold turkey, everything. Finally remembered my uncle had gotten me a pipe and some cigars when I turned 18 and how much I actually ENJOYED them.. and, well, here I am, on 3 weeks cigless. Still learning.. still have to run to my ecig, but, way better than a cigarette! It's just werd, Pipes and cigars I thik old people, people 3 times my age! Definitely gets me looks, and I've had the cops called twice for some kid smoking weed in his backyard. Ah well. I wish everyone quitting cigs the best of luck!



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I've had the cops called twice for some kid smoking weed

Just doing my civic duty.
Just trying to make light of your ignorant neighbors. So what if you WERE smoking herb in your back yard?

Once you get beyond caring what others think about your pipe you'll be a lot happier with it.

I think I got drug tested at work once because of a similar circumstance. I used to sit in my car for lunch and would finish with an RYO cig that I'd make on the spot. I'm sure some eagle eye spotted me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015

I'm in the same process myself so I'll share some of things I picked up along the way maybe they could be help to you.
- Don't fret about your occasional cigarette. I find that I smoke when I'm outdoors or have no time to enjoy my pipe (you can't really have a quick bowl :)).
- The number of cigs I smoke per week now have gone down considerably and keeps on dwindling (its a process I guess). I actually enjoy the occasional smokes which is something I couldn't say when I was smoking cigs full-time (I actually hated their taste/smell/etc). I've also switched to more flavourful brands because I could not appreciate the taste of tobacco thanks to the pipe. I've found that I actually liked both American Spirit & Lucky Strikes! (Both are unavailable where I live - Canada - so I have people buy them for me when they travel which is testomny to my change of dependance on them - I used to smoke a pack of 25s / day - usually)...
- I've found the following tobaccos to give me a nicotine kick making me not think at all about cigarettes (both are VERY tasty in my opinion):

- Peterson Irish Flake

- SG 1792 Flake
- I've found the following blends to be everything a cigarette ever dreamed of being but couldn't (again - very tasty offerings but reminiscent of cigarettes in some sorts!):

- GL Pease Cairo

- GL Pease Union Square
With the suggestions above re. tobaccos, you should not (and will hopefully not have the need to) inhale....

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Feb 27, 2015
Newbroom: Yes indeed. I don't much care. I laughed and showed the cop my at the time briar, I emptied what little was left and showed the cop my tin and what was in it. He seemed perplexed as many that I was smoking a pipe, said it reminded him of his granddad, who it turned out was a family friend! Was nice and fun.



Mar 24, 2015
Thanks for the advice, recommendations, and encouragement! Back in 2011, I tried e-cigs, and I was able to quit smoking cigarettes for three months. But I'm a musician, and my band mates at the time were still smoking cigarettes, so it was difficult to stay focused. They also weren't very encouraging. Ironically, a few months later, several of my band mates decided to quit smoking and even used e-cigs to help! Although I was proud of myself that I was able to quit, I did develop some allergic reactions to the e-cig liquid: headaches, bloody nose, coughing, sore throat, and indigestion. I tried switching from PG to VG to no avail. However, when I was smoking e-cigs, I gravitated towards the pipe smoking flavors, which is why (several years later) I decided that I would try pipe smoking. On occasion, I've tried some of the disposable e-cigs, but the last one I bought, it made me sneeze every time I used it.
Thankfully, everyone I know has been very encouraging of me switching from cigarettes to pipe, especially my partner. She is a smoker herself, but she only smokes 2 or 3 cigarettes a day. She has no problems in me smoking the pipe in the house (she likes the smell), and she sometimes tries some of the tobaccos that I purchase. That has helped tremendously. Yesterday, I only smoked three cigarettes, which is a feat for me since I was smoking about 3/4 of a pack a day.



Might Stick Around
Feb 17, 2014
Swedish snus has been a big help for me. You do tend to end up with a piece in your mouth all day though!



Mar 28, 2015
Just gotten through my first 6 weeks without cigarettes

Always had a pipe around for the last 30 years in case the tailor made cigarettes ran out or no papers - usually as a desperate measure

My partner gave up cigarettes so through negotiation the pipe seemed acceptable and supportive as a means for me to get the nicotine .

I used smoke about 30 a day - since I was 16 - hitting 50 now

Also a musician - mainly as a flamenco dance accompanist - a pretty health conscious world, so pretty much a lone smoker - I also started noticing everybody was giving up - noticed a lot of angst and fall backs - it was a fellow musician who also switched me to the pipe - great to have someone to share this with - try different blends etc ..

What was once a sickening addiction is feeling more like a hobby - like wine collectors or something -

I enjoy tobacco - never seriously thought about giving it away - but the cigarettes were just plain toxic -

I inhaled a few times with the pipe in the beginning - worked out it made me feel pretty sick - so slowly gained some technique and pleasure

That's now passed - also noticed a bowl lingers for a few hours - so no cigarette cravings
Good luck with it all ..,
Enjoy the smoke

No cops but I do smoke a bowl when driving on occasion - seem to be car loads of young 'dudes' cheering me on when noticing the inhale

Also notice more 'looks' - people just don't smoke enough pipes in this day and age



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I've tried to share my positive experiences with pipes and pipe tobacco with anyone I meet. I've almost felt like a pipe evangelist. I guess part of that is seeking affirmation, but, really, it's those folks who still smoke cigs that I feel I'm trying to HELP.

The thing is that you can suggest something but most people will let that suggestion percolate before maybe giving it a go.



Mar 25, 2015
Hi All,

Even I am an ex cigarette smoker. Its been a couple months since my last cig. Ive turned to pipe smoking because of the love of tobacco. However, I just couldn't stand the chemicals any more. I have a 3 year old who started asking me what the smell was. I thought its time to give up.
I was in Dubai a couple of months ago when one of my friends there introduced me to the Arabian tobacco called Dokha. We smoke it in a smaller pipe called the medhwak. The bowl has enough for a couple of puffs only. The tobacco has no chemicals and also is quite tasteless compared to pipe tobacco.
This got me thinking about pipe smoking. I am very new to the pipe however, my cravings for a cigarette has completely diminished. If I do require a extra kick of Nicotine, I smoke the medhwak. 2 puffs is good for a few hours!
I am enjoying a couple of bowls per day and look forward every day for some free time to light my pipe ☺



Mar 25, 2015
This is the Medhwak - Pipe
and the tobacco "dokha" that i was talking about.



Feb 27, 2015
Darn it Giripai, now you got me wanting to try that. Ever since trying pipes and cigars in exchange for nasties, I've been treating it like my beer. As long as it's not inhaled and seems interesting, I gotta try it! Which is also fun figuring out what beers go with what smokes. Haha. I might just have to try that stuff you got, at least once.
My gal actually is kinda on the fence on pipes. She HATES cigars though. The lingering strong smell.. though admittedly, so far, Cigars arent my thing unless they've been infused with something, IE, the Nub Cafe cigars are heaven on earth. A Ghurka, big, fat, nothing but baccy Ghurka is just too strong, and I find myself continuously going for my pipe over a cigar anyways If I want a shorter smoke I can also just pack less in. Far more relaxing too, for some reason. The lack of... boldness? I guess just kinda puts me in a mellow state of mind that cigars and definitely cigarettes can't and couldn't do.



Mar 25, 2015
Haha, this tobacco is pretty strong though! the first puff in the morning makes my head spin and i have to sit down... Ive been smoking a pack a day for 18 years, but this thing give quite the kick.
You have to inhale this though... you can read up on it online,
i travel to the middleast every month on business, so i do get a chance to replenish my stocks often. I have to order all my pipe tobacco online though since i dont have access to local tobacconists in india :)



Mar 24, 2015
I think I have actually turned on some of my peers in my Phd cohort. I told them I would purchase them a couple of small corn cob pipes, and we could smoke during one of the lazy summers we typically have in North Carolina. They are both females. When I brought in my tobacco pouch, they admitted to me that they really loved the smell of tobacco. I think now they are curious about it. They are both nonsmokers.
I mostly play hardcore/punk, but I'm pretty versatile. You kind of have to be if you are a working drummer. Currently, I'm in a punk band here. It's kind of more of a fun thing since I've been busy preparing for exams, which I take April 20.
However, the last band I was in was an all-female AC/DC tribute band called Shoot To Thrill. Here is a clip of us last year:

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