French Inhaling?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 4, 2011
Hi all,
So does anybody here "frenchy" their smoke through the nose? Any thoughts on it? I've noticed that I don't really taste the tobacco at all in my mouth, but if I inhale through the nose after blowing it out then I can really appreciate the blend. I've been smoking for about 4 yrs, and almost always pipe tobacco. I always smoke a pipe now, but used to buy the cheap drugstore cavendish and roll em, in which case I'd just smoke it like a cig. Anyway, any thoughts on it? Or perhaps how to really taste a blend through the mouth, cause it always seems too bland? And yes, I do smoke more than aromatics.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 28, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
I don't really French inhale, but I do blow the smoke out my nose. This brings out the flavor more by using smell and taste to enhance the overall experience of the smoke imo.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
First the proviso that I'm a complete novice myself, and I too am eager to hear technique from more experienced smokers. Also forgive my overlong reply, as it's late and I've just enjoyed the most amazing corncob packed with black spice.

That being said, have you ever been to a wine tasting? If not, go to one--chances are you're not far from a wine shop that will have one at some point. They'll teach you the basic wine tasting format--approach, eye, nose, mouth, rinse, repeat.

I basically apply a similar technique of:
1. Cleansing the palate

2. Approaching the tobacco first with eye (how does it look in the tin / jar / bag? the cut? can you discern the different leafs?)

Then nose (that first whiff when you crack open the tin / jar / bag)

Then feel (how moist is it, how does it rub between your fingers, how does it change as it dries in the open air for a moment or ten?)

3. Pack it, then take a few unlit draws to get the 'bouquet' in your mouth

4. Char light

5. True light--this is when you're really smoking it, and it has a tendency, even to this novice palate, to change from top, to middle and bottom of bowl. While smoking I swish the smoke around like wine, sip it, guzzle it if it's really good, sometimes circular inhaling from nose to mouth as long as it's not overly hot. Note that this can be dangerous with Perique-heavy blends. I generally exhale a lot through the nose, also picking up the bouquet that way.
I've also been keeping a little notebook of all the new blends I've been trying, noting the pipe I smoke it in, in order to help me develop my palate for this as well as divine the tobaccos that I really enjoy. In another thread a member also made a very good point of developing your palate outside of tobacco--going out of your way to smell and taste things in order to increase your sensory vocabulary.

Remember it's all about the visceral experience of it, and if you approach it both methodically and passionately, you'll discover nuances even in the most mundane of blends and be amazed at how quickly your "technical" skill hones your own tastes and pleasure.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
I for one do french inhale, although not so much to bring out the flavours more, but to increase the nicotine hit, so I don't go lighting up a cig and ruining the wonderful aromas and aftertaste that come with a pipe (down from two packs a day to one cig, huzzah!).



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
I enjoy smoking my oom pauls. I don't French inhale in the usual sense, however, I do enjoy letting the smoke waft up into my nostrils for the enhanced aroma pleasure.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2010
The nose has some intresting notes of its own...particully with perique or latikia...and the nicotine gets to the blood stream faster then cocaine

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