We used to have it here in the states but the panty waist liberals have all but killed that portion of the bill of rights.
The problem is that too many people don't know what "free speech" means. Here's the pertinent part of the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech
It says nothing about what a private person does on their private property. Their property rights trump your right to free speech. Their house, their rules.
Therefor, if you are in a situation like that here in the States, and the flight attendant asked you to change your shirt, your right to speak your mind nay be abridged, but the government did not do it, so the First Amendment has not been violated. The airplane is the private property of the airline, and they have a right to restrict your speech on their property.
Likewise, if a member of this forum is repeatedly rude to other members, either in public posts or in private messages, and Kevin cancels their membership, the same principle applies. This website is Kevin's property. He is the owner. And his rights as the owner trump your right to say what you wish.
And for one final example: if you use a term that someone else finds offensive, and they call you out for it - or punch you in the nose - that's just too bad. They thought you were rude, and they took action. The government didn't do it. Your free speech rights have not been violated.
(I wasn't post this, but changed my mind. I don't think a lesson in civics is political. :
: )