I picked up a tin of this the other day at a local B&M. I had smoked Dunhill ciggs back in the day and I always thought they were tasty. However, due to the cost and availability I only smoked them a few times. It appears times have not changed too much. It was a pretty pricey tin compared to bulks around here. For nostalgia's sake though I picked up the Nightcap and tried it after work. As a guy who usually smokes aromatics I just have to say that the first few minutes of smoking this were equivalent to what I would imagine a forum friendly 10 minute multiple orgasm would be like. The sheer wealth of flavors I experienced were astounding. It was like peeling an onion trying to discern each one. I actually had to put the pipe down after about 10 minutes as apparently the nicotine in this stuff hits like a daisy cutter. Though afterwards, I went shopping with my fiance and it was wonderful to still taste the oils and flavors. I know this won't be an everyday smoke, but it will definitely be a few times a week around the end of the day smoke. If I love this, what other blends or brands should I be looking into? Preferably without the nicotine grenade.