Brother if you live in the USA then 4noggins/smokingpipse/pipes&cigars and other etailers can completely take care of your needs. Most also provide free shipping with a $100 order. (Which is not that hard to do) For that reason, don't fret about being far away from a brick and mortar tobacconist. They have all the supplies you could possibly need, plus better prices and selection on pipes and tobacco.
I prefer Country Gentleman cobs so I have no interest in the grab bag but it is a perfect way to create an instant rotation for a small amount of money. ($30 is one Grabow, you can't get anything else new for that cheap except basket pipes of unknown origin) So with 10 cobs, first off you'll learn whether or not you like cobs and it'll be no big loss if you don't - secondly, you'll never have to worry about ghosting a briar with an unpleasant blend because you'll always be able to test them out.
I'm just going to warn you now - a lot of aromatics are let downs.
I am not familiar with the blend you mentioned, but as the name suggests they are all about room note and aroma instead of flavour - some can be like puffing on air.
There are supposedly plenty of good ones out there, but I don't have a taste for them.
I don't smoke aromatics so other people will have to help you out.
Prairie Wind is supposedly a solid Virginia Perique blend. They have a very appealing sweet and spicy character. Escudo is my favourite example of a Va/per - it is cut into coins which you can rub out, cube cut, or fold and stuff. It has a high perique content than most run of the mill blends so there is a little more pronounced pepperiness.
Burley is a specific type of leaf most famously grown in Kentucky but it is now planted in parts all over the world. It has medium to high nicotine strength depending on the treatment, and it has low sugars and little taste on its own. As such, it is always cased to some degree or another. (Chocolate and liquorice are most common flavours, but these can be so subtle that you don't notice them except as a slight sweetness) One of the drugstore burleys such as Prince Albert, Sir Walter Raleigh, Carter Hall, or Sugar Barrel would be passable introductions but you'll have to keep in mind that these are sweetened quite noticeably and are not very complex. Wessex Burley Slice is my favourite burley to date, but it is probably not for the novice. Solani Aged Burley Flake gets equally high reviews. C&D has quite a reputation for burley but so far I am not a fan - they are also usually cut with other condimental tobaccos so you'll be getting quite a different experience with them.
Good luck on your journey. Sample widely to determine your tastes in tobacco - or even if smoking is for you. It's not for everybody, but I think there is something out there that would appeal to everybody if they were so inclined to find it... Try latakia, try orientals, try Virginias - you just might like them all or you may have very specific tastes.
(If I understand correctly you are completely new to tobacco)