So a few weeks ago I bought a bunch of pipes off of eBay and took up the hobby of pipe restoration. I have never smoked a pipe before but wanted to learn how to restore a pipe and restore some I inherited. As I read the forums here and watched YouTube videos I gained The desire to not only restore pipes but pick up the hobby of smoking pipes leisurely. Are used to smoke cigars a long time ago and enjoyed that but never a pipe. So today was my first experience and it went very well. I experienced a little bit of tongue bite toward the end but that was really because the tobacco was mostly gone And I should have stopped. Kind of like smoking a cigar too short. I was really just starting to enjoy it when apparently I was finished. I think I need something with a bigger bowl. ?. Everything went well as far as the mechanics of the pipe smoking went. My pack seem fine it did seem to need relating quite a bit but that is probably a lack of experience. I am now confident enough to smoke around someone else I just need another piping buddy.