My grandpa died back in 2020 and I helped my mom bring a substantial amount of his items back home, mostly books and art but various other things as well. We boxed it all up and the boxes had been staying in the garage until yesterday when my mom decided she wanted to use that space for something else. There were so many things I don't remember packing away, one of them was this pipe.
Does anybody have any idea what brand this might be? The stamps say "hand made", "real briar", and "Made in France", so I'm guessing this is a basket pipe from St. Claude. I know old St. Claude carvers did used to produce a lot of figurals. I'm also curious what material the stem might be, so I can figure the best way to go about restoring it.
Does anybody have any idea what brand this might be? The stamps say "hand made", "real briar", and "Made in France", so I'm guessing this is a basket pipe from St. Claude. I know old St. Claude carvers did used to produce a lot of figurals. I'm also curious what material the stem might be, so I can figure the best way to go about restoring it.