That’s funny I was randomly thinking about this a day or 2 ago for some reason.
Still available. Bought one today. Now I'm going to eat it.Zero bar
I'm a big fan of refrigerated of a Zero and a glass of milk, personally. Probably terrible for my teeth though.Still available. Bought one today. Now I'm going to eat it.
Zagnut bar, Ice Cubes (shaped like a Chunky)
Ice Cubes are still available (my favorite) and I believe Zero and Zagnut are as well.Lets see...I think these are all discontinued but I ate a ton of them: Zagnut bar, Zero bar, Clark bar, Ice Cubes (shaped like a Chunky), Bun (shaped like a squished down Chunky). My absolute all-time favorite wasn't a candy bar, it was called Fizzies. When I looked them up a while back, I found they were discontinued when it was discovered one of their ingredients caused cancer in lab rats or something.
I used to love Sen Sen! My grandma used to send it to me in her letters all the time.Sen-Sen! Rich's Cigar in Portland, Oregon, was one of the few places that sold them:
Not discontinued but difficult to find in the USA, Tim Tams: