Hiya bigboi,
Yea, it figures 'bout the text, lol...sigh...what I was saying was, I really wanted a Churchwarden, I find myself relaxing more and more as I grow younger :rofl: and I got a nice comfy chair and built a little table to put by it and started noticing that a long pipe would be almost perfect for my arm to stay on the armrest and still be able to draw on it,... wow, talk about getting lazy huh? I realize that usually the more money you spend the better the product, just very hard at this time for me to do that, I am a beginner so..don't know anything about pipes to be honest, maybe a little from some research, and I haven't got it down, so to speak, to where I look at the pipe like I did those godawful cigarettes, (I just had to quit those finally). In a week or so I will get one a little more prestigious, and see about the difference. And sure, be happy to post a pic of my new pipe, lol, should get it around next Tuesday.Thanks for talkin' to me, appreciate the help :mrgreen: