Exhausted Rooster

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Jun 18, 2020
Wilmington, NC
I have had this tin for a fews years now, but have not opened it until yesterday. Wow, you can smell the plummy/figgy preique in there!

I do not get a lot of the perique pepper notes, but I love the magic between the perique and the dark fired burley. Tobacco Reviews says it has an alcohol (of some sort) topping but it does not get in the way of the tobacco flavors.

This is a must try if you like the plummy periques!

What do you all think of this blend?


May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
Oh i thought this was going to be a barnyard joke about an "exhausted rooster" and the hens. SO....

A farmer purchased a rooster and was surprised at what an appetite for sex he had. First, he courted all the chickens on the farm. Then he was seen sowing his wild oats with the cows, sheep, pigs and turkeys.

One day the farmer told him, “boy, if you don’t slow down, you’re going to kill yourself.” But it didn’t slow the rooster down at all. One day the farmer came out of his house and saw the rooster lying spread eagle, feet in air, and his tongue hanging out his mouth. The farmer was mad and walked up to him.

“Dagnabbit, I told you that you’d kill yourself if you didn’t stop. Now you’re dead as a doornail and ready for rooster heaven, ya bird brain.”

The rooster opened one eye and pointed up to the sky and said, “Shhhhhhh, buzzards!”