Can some of you pipe manufacturing insiders shed a little light for the rest of us pipe lovers
living in the dark as to why Italy is the go-to place for relocating pipe factories and shops?
Stanwell moved their manufacturing there; Wessex is now in Italy; Comoy the long-time London
pipe making concern is now there, and so on. Obviously there is expertise available, but are
there tax, labor cost, tariff/duty, or other considerations that give Italy such a strong attraction
for pipe makers from other countries?
living in the dark as to why Italy is the go-to place for relocating pipe factories and shops?
Stanwell moved their manufacturing there; Wessex is now in Italy; Comoy the long-time London
pipe making concern is now there, and so on. Obviously there is expertise available, but are
there tax, labor cost, tariff/duty, or other considerations that give Italy such a strong attraction
for pipe makers from other countries?