So have been having some taste issues and strange white spots on my tongue, so I went to my dermatologist to have a look. He told me right away that is something called Oral Lichen Planus (olp). Basically in short its something that has no true cause or cure, but goes away on its own. He asked if I smoke cigars, I said no but pipes. Ahhh! he says. See's a lot of cigar and pipe smokes with this. Say's that the smoke could have been a trigger to bring it on. Odd thing is that two of my neighbors have it or had it within the past six months. I live in Ohio which was just rated the worst water in the country for chemicals and pollution. I kinda wonder if that has anything to do with it. But for now everything I try to smoke tastes like saltwater to me. It really sucks too!!!!! I have been smoking pipes for around 15 years and never had any issues.