Everclear & comparable liquors for pipe cleaning?

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Dec 14, 2013
I’ve often read references to Everclear for maintenance/pipe cleaning. I’m just curious if there are other or even better alternatives. I recently came across something called Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany @ 192 proof/Grain Alcohol which I can obtain at a nearby liquor/wine center and it’s much easier to obtain than Everlcear. Would this be a good candidate in lieu of Everclear? The description for Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany from another source states as follows:
This extraordinarily strong spirit needs to be treated with respect. It is questionable whether the human body is meant to digest such strong substances. Being effectively pure ethyl-alcohol, it is more commonly used in cooking, in the preparation of fruit and herb tinctures, for medicinal purposes, or by home perfume makers. At any rate, the premium price of this Pure Spirit goes some way to ensure it is used sparingly and thoughtfully. Drunk diluted and chilled, it traditionally makes a fine accompaniment to fish dishes.
I’ve occasionally just used Isopropyl alcohol seeing that it is sold at any drug store, but I’m really curious as to why there are so many references to using Everclear when Isopropyl alcohol is so much easier to obtain, and obviously much cheaper.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
The general rule of thumb is to use a food-grade cleaner, and that would exclude isopropyl alcohol. However there are many of this forum who use it and they do not die from it so you could use it if that's what's available. In fact, any high-grade alcohol would work just fine. Just remember, if it's flavored, it will likely impart some of that flavor to your pipe, but that's a very short lived sort of thing, and will disappear within minutes of the first smoke. Some people like to use Meyers Rum, some use Irish whiskey, I've tried scotch, but in the end I keep coming back to Everclear because it's a neutral spirit.



May 11, 2012
your Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany looks to be basically the same as Everclear. With Everclear or that stuff be damn careful you don't get it on the wood (or your wife's counter-top) and don't be smoking while using it.



Aug 3, 2010
+1 on what ravkesef said.
Rubbing alcohol is not ment to consumed. The brand of spirts you mentioned sounds to just fine. I have never heard of that brand. I use Everclear because I can get it here, and it seems to give a nice sweet smell to the bowl. But I have used others in a pinch, Gin,Vodka,Whiskey. And those worked okay too.



Dec 11, 2012
Everclear's pretty easy to come by in my neck of the woods - as for the rest of it, I've got nothing to add to the reasons folks use it. Sounds like PSR is close to the same stuff, so if you can find that more easily, go for it!



Can't Leave
Jan 15, 2014
I'd use vodka personally. Vodka has two distinct advantages in my opinion over other spirits like whisky, and everclear. Firstly, vodka is practically tasteless and odorless, so like everclear, won't alter the taste of your pipe other than to leech out the nastiness.
Vodka also doesn't cost a lot, unlike whisky, but you can still drink it, unlike everclear (that is, if you value your eyesight).



Dec 14, 2013
philobeddoe said:
Purchase a big bottle of Everclear, it will last you several years and you will never want for anything else.
You don’t know how much I drink! ;)
dochudson said:
your Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany looks to be basically the same as Everclear. With Everclear or that stuff be damn careful you don't get it on the wood (or your wife's counter-top) and don't be smoking while using it.
Yes, after doing a bit of research on both they seem to be pretty much alike and obtaining the Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany is a tad easier for me. With using the Isopropyl alcohol I’ve only used it for cleaning out the stems and not the bowl. As for being careful with flammable liquids I only smoke while filling up my gas tank and emptying out the gas from my snow blower for summer storage.




Can't Leave
Nov 30, 2013
hertford nc
Thats my problem besides the sugars and additives in things like rum I hear people using. I would be to tempted to drink it. Only on a REALLLY bad day will I reach for my stash of grain alcohol.
BUT it has happened.



Can't Leave
Nov 30, 2013
hertford nc
Sorry LeParker, IAs a kid in Virginia Beach we found nothing better then everclear, punch and fruit. Now that I remember that my cleaning stash is in jeopardy again.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 3, 2013
Question for those in California: We can't get Everclear here or other grain alcohols like the one the OP mentioned. What high proof spirits do you all use then? I almost got 151 the other day, but I really want to use Everclear or something like it. I have a buddy who said he could get everclear at an airforce base, but it seems a bit of an inconvenience just to drive a while to the base for some everclear.



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2013
Remember candy is dandy but liquor is quicker!!! :crazy: Everclear is my first choice. 151 will do it as well as Wild Turkey 101. I often have that warm fuzzy glow after cleaning my pipes. Might have something to do with the empty tumbler in my hand. 8O



Can't Leave
Jan 27, 2011
I, like puffdoggie use Everclear to clean my pipes and then dip pipe cleaners in Wild Turkey for the sweetness and I also, have some Wild Turkey for myself.



Can't Leave
Aug 1, 2013
i love the notice on the 151 bottle -" danger flammable " not seen on other bottles but i do use it & it is very efficient no taste after a few puffs but i did taste the isopropyl



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2012
We have Golden Grain here, basically the same thing, and it works just fine also. However in a pinch I have used 91% iso. Just give it a little while to completely evaporate before smoking that pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
As long as it's 91% or above Isopropyl you are perfectly fine.
I took enough organic chemistry in college to know. It evaporates so quick and leaves nothing behind to make you sick. If you drink it straight, ya that is bad. If you clean with it. No worries.
Guess what hospitals use if their enclaves go down? 91% Iso. That goes for tools and instruments that go in your mouth and body.



Dec 14, 2013
I live in Chicago and was ready to drive out to one of the 'burbs to get Everlcear, but certainly in no rush. Just for the hell of it I asked at a small convenient/liquor store at the corner of my block if they carried Everclear and much to my surprise... they did! However, it was the 151 proof and not the 191 as that is illegal in Chicago. I told him what I wanted it for so he recommended the Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany @ 151 proof saying that it was basically the same thing and cheaper. Suffice to say I purchased it so I'm all set to drink... ah, I mean clean my pipes. ;)

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