Chinese Water Pipe: These are often referred to as bongs and have been used for centuries in China. The traditional Chinese water pipe is made from bamboo and is used for smoking various substances. The design allows for smoke to be cooled and filtered by passing through water.
East Indian Buc Buc: Unfortunately, I couldn’t find specific information on an item called “buc buc.” It’s possible that it might be a local or colloquial term for a type of pipe or smoking device from that region.
Ceramic Pipe from Holland: Pipes with a water chamber are typically designed to cool the smoke before inhalation. The water chamber acts as a filter and cooler for the smoke. Ceramic pipes are known for their durability and can come in various shapes and designs.
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Whale Bone Pipe from Japan: The small pipe you mentioned could be made from whale bone, which was traditionally used in scrimshaw, an art form practiced by sailors, particularly whalers. Scrimshaw involves carving or engraving on bones or teeth of marine mammals, often whales. However, without a physical examination or testing by an expert, it’s difficult to confirm the material’s authenticity.