I'm always on the lookout for the old pre-paper filter Grabow pipes. I won this one for the very same price the pipe original sold for in 1957, $1.50! That makes it the cheapest pipe I own....so far.
It arrived in pretty good shape, despite appearing to have been moderately smoked by the looks of the inside of the bowl. The finish was dirty and had a cracked varnish-like look to it as well as having some scratches and dings as if it had been in a workshop drawer for the past fifty years. The stinger was bright and shiny and I only needed a few pipe cleaners for the stem and shank. (I'll ream the bowl later and give it a salt/alcohol treatment)
I wonder if more aggressive sanding would get rid of more of the darkening? I can always go at it again sometime. For now, I've very happy with the results.More old briar is calling for my attention in the shop!
It arrived in pretty good shape, despite appearing to have been moderately smoked by the looks of the inside of the bowl. The finish was dirty and had a cracked varnish-like look to it as well as having some scratches and dings as if it had been in a workshop drawer for the past fifty years. The stinger was bright and shiny and I only needed a few pipe cleaners for the stem and shank. (I'll ream the bowl later and give it a salt/alcohol treatment)


I wonder if more aggressive sanding would get rid of more of the darkening? I can always go at it again sometime. For now, I've very happy with the results.More old briar is calling for my attention in the shop!