Welcome, Jeremy!
As with Scotch, the Latakia-forward blends can range in flavor from lighter "crossover" blends (Frog Morton is usually mentioned at this point) to the ones treasured by Latakia lovers (Lat bombs, Balkans, heavy Englishes - my own personal favorite on this end is Black House).
So I guess the question is, are you closer to the Glengoyne end of the Scotch scale, or over on the Laphroaig end? I'm a Laphroaig guy, myself, and when I started in on Latakia blends, I wound up trying Black House early on and loved it - but it was definitely a case of jumping into the deep end.
Others will no doubt have recommendations of their own, but on the lighter end I can recommend the Frog Morton blends, as well as Hearth & Home's "Victorian Stroll" and "Daybreak".