I have been trying english blends more and more .... and have been enjoying them more and more and sofar these are the best three i have had ...
1. Northwoods
2. Blackhouse
3. Nosferatu
I think i dont like tons of latakia ... to much of that burnt tyre taste and smell can spoil it . Now not knowing much i am not sure if i am on the money with this but does not hurt to ask.... am i detecting a sweetness in the northwoods? And the Blackhouse are there a few different tobaccoes in tehre with something kinda spicy?
its a hard call for me at the moment as to which is the better ... the northwoods with the slighter less Latakia but a smooth and tasty, or the blackwoods which is also tasty but has hints of something else going on which keeps it interesting
1. Northwoods
2. Blackhouse
3. Nosferatu
I think i dont like tons of latakia ... to much of that burnt tyre taste and smell can spoil it . Now not knowing much i am not sure if i am on the money with this but does not hurt to ask.... am i detecting a sweetness in the northwoods? And the Blackhouse are there a few different tobaccoes in tehre with something kinda spicy?
its a hard call for me at the moment as to which is the better ... the northwoods with the slighter less Latakia but a smooth and tasty, or the blackwoods which is also tasty but has hints of something else going on which keeps it interesting