English Blends

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
I have been trying english blends more and more .... and have been enjoying them more and more and sofar these are the best three i have had ...

1. Northwoods

2. Blackhouse

3. Nosferatu
I think i dont like tons of latakia ... to much of that burnt tyre taste and smell can spoil it . Now not knowing much i am not sure if i am on the money with this but does not hurt to ask.... am i detecting a sweetness in the northwoods? And the Blackhouse are there a few different tobaccoes in tehre with something kinda spicy?

its a hard call for me at the moment as to which is the better ... the northwoods with the slighter less Latakia but a smooth and tasty, or the blackwoods which is also tasty but has hints of something else going on which keeps it interesting



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2012
You can check the tobacco blends here to see what's in what http://www.tobaccoreviews.com/index.cfm

Sweetness in Northwoods is the virginia and especially black cavendish.
Black house has these tobaccos in it; Kentucky, Black Cavendish, Virginia, Latakia, Oriental, Turkish. That kinda spicy taste is the Turkish tobacco.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks for that ... lol i suppose i should of looked and checked to see exactly whats in what first .... i think i am a fan of the turkish tobacco , it adds a really nice interesting note



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2012
If you like Turkish tobacco you should try these McClelland blends from Grand Orientals series; Smyrna No. 1 and Classic Samsun.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
cheers i will add them to the list of things to try... i have a few blends that i really enjoy and am fairly well stocked on those so expanding and trying new things and searching for more blends that i enjoy , did not think i would enjoy the english blends as much as i do and with all the tobaccoes i would not have tried any of the ones i like if it hasd not been for reading thro all the posts on this site



Dec 12, 2012
If you enjoy orientals with a bit of latakia, I'll also recommend, from the Grand Orientals series, Yenidje Highlander.
For a stronger balance between the orientals and latakia, you might enjoy GLPease's Charing Cross. It's a Balkan-style blend, meaning it puts the emphasis on the orientals and latakia, placing the Virginias further into the background.
And if you love orientals and want little-to-no latakia, you should definitely try Presbyterian Mixture and Rattray's Red Rapparee.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks i would like to try something that had more emphasis on the orientals so will go a lookin for those blends as well .... lmao there is an awefull lot of blends to try and i have hardly scratched the surface



Dec 12, 2012
I hear you! I've been smoking a pipe for 30+ years -- tried about 160 different blends -- and I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface! But, for me, that's where the joy in pipesmoking comes from -- discovering and understanding new blends, training my palate to appreciate different styles, exploring the various types of leaf. I love that stuff. (Of course, I do have the favorites I make sure to keep on hand. But I'm always trying new blends as well.)
Enjoy the journey!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
lmao nice i hope i can still enjoy a pipe in 30 years ... at the moment i feel a bit of urgencyhere in NZ tho prices going through the roof as well as talk of NZ being smokefree by 2015 i would very much like to find what i like and get some pretty decent reserves going ... due to costs and customs i current only have about 40oz of tobacco coming in every month but i give alot away and smoke alot myself as well lol ( pleased to announce we have converted a member of the fairer sex to the pipe as well) and i am only just really starting with the english blends so i need to get a move on



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
lmao now i am confused ... i thought latakia was that awesome smokey burt tyre smelling tobacco that was in the blends? i have tried a few english ... skiff mix , squadron leader and commenwealth for example , and that smokeyness was just a bit overwhelming for me yet i find the three mentioned above to be alot milder and the flavours seem to mix and blend nicely



Dec 12, 2012
Yes, latakia is known for its "campfire" taste and aroma. But it also mellows with age. Depending on the age of the tins you've tried -- and, of course, the percentages involved -- it will llikely come across differently for you from blend to blend. But latakia is a fairly mild tobacco; it has little nicotine, a mild flavor, and a distinct smokey aroma.
If I had to guess, I would say that it's possible you're confusing the latakia content in, say, Squadron Leader, with the impact of the orientals. Yes, you're smelling the latakia mostly, but the overall blend is also affected by the Virginias and orientals that are present. (And some orientals are soft and sweet, while others give a more acrid or sharp tang.) To really put this to the test, I'd suggest trying a sample of Pease's Odyssey, where the latakia is quite dominant. Compare that to a blend with some latakia but stronger orientals (say, Pease's Charing Cross).
The only one of your three that I've tried is Black House, which, for me, smoked much as it did for you. It was created, though, to replicate the flavors of a 20-year-aged tin. I think it does that fairly well, presenting a more-mellow smoke than most fresher latakia blends are known for. (For me, though, it fails in other areas.)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
Ok i see alot more experimenting is required ... will get a pure order of english blends underway on friday... seeing as i can only order max 5x 50g tins in one order ... what would the best 5 be to try ?



Dec 12, 2012
what would the best 5 be to try
Someone around here once wrote something to the effect that if you ask for blend recommendations from 10 different pipesmokers, you'll get 100 different answers! ;)
My personal suggestions for readily available (which knocks out a few blends that are currently out of stock), traditional English-style blends would include these:
GLPease Westminster

Dunhill London Mixture and/or Standard Mixture Medium (not sure if this is still being produced)

Butera's Royal Vintage: Latakia No. 1

McClelland 221B: Arcadia (a lighter-style English)

Dan Tobacco's London Blend #1000 (currently difficult to find but, for me, a very good standard English blend)

Dan Tobacco's Gordon Pym (a full-bodied English)

Esoterica's Margate (another full-bodied English, which also includes some cavendish)

Rattray's 3 Noggins (a full English with added cavendish)
Just keep in mind that these suggestions reflect my own personal preferences. Also, some of these are only available in 100g tins.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
1) Dunhill Early Morning Pipe

2) Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium

3) Dunhill My Mixture 965

4) McClellands Blue Mountain

5) Dunhill Nightcap
These will give you a fairly well rounded look at English blends. I would have suggested Blackhouse instead of Blue Mountain, but you have already tried it and like it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2012
I wouldn't get more one blend from the same blender when there are so many to choose from.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 9, 2012
cheers ... I will be grabbing some kf what u guys have suggested... one more thing , do u guys recommend finishing a whole tin before opening so many others ... not that a tin will last long anyway



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2012
Your call really. I prefer not to have many tins open, I like to concentrate on the blend I am smoking for a while; helps me get the said blend easier. Plus some blends will dry in a short time so you may end up with bone dry tobacco in a week or so.

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