How big should the ember be of one is trying to smoke slowly?
If I'm relighting my pipe after it goes out, I find it smokes more reliably if I keep the fire on for about 2 to 5 seconds, trying to spread the flame over the whole surface of the tobacco. But although I try to smoke slowly, (I don't puff, I just keep the pipe in my mouth let my mouth fill with smoke on its own), I wouldn't consider this to be a slow smoke. I think the ember is relatively large in this case.
On the other hand, if I just touch the flame briefly during my relight, and create a small dot of an ember, the amount of smoke is small, but it will soon die unless I start puffing.
Is there a middle ground that will work?
What I really want to know is: when smoking slowly, is the ember small, medium, or large?
If I'm relighting my pipe after it goes out, I find it smokes more reliably if I keep the fire on for about 2 to 5 seconds, trying to spread the flame over the whole surface of the tobacco. But although I try to smoke slowly, (I don't puff, I just keep the pipe in my mouth let my mouth fill with smoke on its own), I wouldn't consider this to be a slow smoke. I think the ember is relatively large in this case.
On the other hand, if I just touch the flame briefly during my relight, and create a small dot of an ember, the amount of smoke is small, but it will soon die unless I start puffing.
Is there a middle ground that will work?
What I really want to know is: when smoking slowly, is the ember small, medium, or large?