Lately I've been exploring the world of ritzy cigars, hoping to find some kind of nuance that can make a cigar stand out completely from any I've had before. I've found that this is no small order, as many of the highest grade productions feature similar wrappers and fillers.
I've sampled several Davidoff varieties, which are probably my favorites so far, but I can't imagine that Davidoff represents the outer edges of the market.
I've been perusing different offerings and I've stumbled across El Septimo. They sound different from the rest, but The same rate, I've thought that before and I've been wrong. My question(s)...
Am I right here? Are they notably different than other brands? Are their flavor profiles unique, or simply nuanced? And among their catalog, are there any you would (or wouldn't) recommend?
I've sampled several Davidoff varieties, which are probably my favorites so far, but I can't imagine that Davidoff represents the outer edges of the market.
I've been perusing different offerings and I've stumbled across El Septimo. They sound different from the rest, but The same rate, I've thought that before and I've been wrong. My question(s)...
Am I right here? Are they notably different than other brands? Are their flavor profiles unique, or simply nuanced? And among their catalog, are there any you would (or wouldn't) recommend?
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