I have been smoking a pipe about 10 months. I’ve tried lots of blends. I found I really didn’t like Latakia. Tried Frog regular and OTT. Both gave me a perfume like strange, not enjoyable taste. I’ve been letting it sit for a while. I’m guessing my tastes will change over time. After reading from this forum and other reviews I chose Edward G Robinson (I like Aro’s). Wow, great taste, the Latakia is much more mellow and tastes more like what I’ve heard it described as. I really enjoyed this new discovery it gives me hope to learn to enjoy the tons of blends that have Latakia in smaller amounts that I may enjoy. Special thanks to Jiminks for his post on EGR and Sablebrush for always mentioning drying longer than you think. The drying has changed my experience tremendously (for the better).
Suggestions for interesting blends that are Aro in nature with touches of Latakia? My favorite blends thus far:
C&D Dreams of Kadath
Sutliff Barbados Plantation
Sutliff Mark Twain (toss in a bit of Bold Kentucky) adds a little body.
GLP Cairo. Carefully smoked, tends to fry me a bit.
Easy to smoke but lacks some body 1Q 50/50 BCA. Or RLP-6
Thanks for any advice or recommendations.
Suggestions for interesting blends that are Aro in nature with touches of Latakia? My favorite blends thus far:
C&D Dreams of Kadath
Sutliff Barbados Plantation
Sutliff Mark Twain (toss in a bit of Bold Kentucky) adds a little body.
GLP Cairo. Carefully smoked, tends to fry me a bit.
Easy to smoke but lacks some body 1Q 50/50 BCA. Or RLP-6
Thanks for any advice or recommendations.