Just bought this one, read somewhere that the 4 digit code on Savinellis are pre-1965, this seems to me to be mid 50's. Look at this baby! :D
ye, I feel you, I'm not a rusticated guy... but this one appeals to me, looks great, has a modern look into itThat pipe has both nice lines and rustication. It reminds me of their Hercules EX rustication but a lot less scrotumesque. I would be interested in those pipes if the rustication was like yours.
“Scrotumesque” I have a Bones Goose egg & the first thing my wife said when she saw it was “that looks like a testicle”. Does not keep me from smoking it thoThat pipe has both nice lines and rustication. It reminds me of their Hercules EX rustication but a lot less scrotumesque. I would be interested in those pipes if the rustication was like yours.
yep, on point