This is only my second English so I'm still in process of discovering the different nuances of the category. I received this at the same time as Nightcap and had a hard time distinguishing the tin note, as they both smelled similar. However I can now tell a difference in some ways, in that EMP is slightly less intense and there is an sweetness and earthy note in there as well that doesn't immediately jump out to me with Nightcap. The latakia is present but not as forward as Nightcap. I find it to be well balanced, maybe too well balanced. I couldn't really pick out much of the other players. Maybe this is my inexperience, and its certainly not a bad thing. All in all this is a very enjoyable blend. I can see why it is called early morning and could see how it would go nicely with some coffee. I found that I could somewhat misbehave with this blend, as it allows me to abuse it with a faster pace than I've been able to get away with while smoking other blends.Burned to a nice ash right down to the bottom, and stayed lit with no issues. I can see this sitting in the rotation for some time.