Rarely I have found myself with the time and circumstances to look through duty free
stores at airports -- maybe in London, Dublin, and Toronto, most recently. I don't remember
pipes or pipe tobacco in any of these, though maybe I wasn't looking closely enough. Can
anyone report seeing any pipes or pipe tobacco anywhere recently? (On another post,
someone mentioned Dubai, not a place I have been or am likely to travel, but still interesting.)
It would be great if any Forums members spotting this in the future report in a post, with
a little detail about products available and prices (USD for me, maybe Euros for others, or
whatever currency applies).
stores at airports -- maybe in London, Dublin, and Toronto, most recently. I don't remember
pipes or pipe tobacco in any of these, though maybe I wasn't looking closely enough. Can
anyone report seeing any pipes or pipe tobacco anywhere recently? (On another post,
someone mentioned Dubai, not a place I have been or am likely to travel, but still interesting.)
It would be great if any Forums members spotting this in the future report in a post, with
a little detail about products available and prices (USD for me, maybe Euros for others, or
whatever currency applies).