so if this is the wrong area to post this thread, please move it as you see fit. i stumbled across a post from the seattle pipe club concerning reducing the risks of pipe smoking. link is here:
they mention drinking a cool drink while smoking to reduce tongue bite/burning/scaring of the mouth. They reference the burning/scaring is what leads to cancer. i know these notes are a summary from a lecture giving by an MD, but is there really any validity to this? can keeping your mouth cool and hydrated lessen the effects of the tobacco? im a young guy but love my pipe smoking, so try and lessen the effects where i can because its become part of my life and dont plan on giving it up. so if pairing my pipes w an ice water or iced tea helps, sign me up.
not trying to spur any arguments or heated debates. I know theres health risks associated w tobacco use but this is the first time i had heard about the whole burn/scars leading to cancer item.
Reducing Risks - Seattle Pipe Club
not trying to spur any arguments or heated debates. I know theres health risks associated w tobacco use but this is the first time i had heard about the whole burn/scars leading to cancer item.
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