This Saturday afternoon I looked out my kitchen window and saw my yard flooded, my new Catahoula puppy was on the old porch soaking wet but didn't think anything of it. Ran outside, crawled under the old Acadian house, 4 ft crawl space but a land mine for a fat old geezer. COCO had ran into and sheared a hot water stubb out for future hot water to back of porch. Went to main cut off under front porch and turned water off. Hand all muddy I went to animal trough and washed them. In house I loaded my pipe and sat on porch with a vivid rainbow of cuss words slung at my new Dogs way. To say the pipe calmed me down may be an overstatement , but my ire rose again when I called the wife who was Christmas shopping who said That doesn't surprise me she's been chasing cats under the house all week. I loaded another bowl, pipes calm you down, don't they. To make a short story long we were without water till Monday noon. Boy am I a sissy, it seemed like forever. :laughat: