Does Pipe Smoke effect Cigar Smoke?

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May 18, 2016
I'm new to this Forum and Relatively new to pipe smoking. Recently while driving through the town I live in, I noticed a new Cigar Shop that also houses a very nice lounge with numerous TV's and a BYOB policy. I thought to myself fantastic!! since no one smokes in my house this would be a great place I can go enjoy my pipe, watch a game and relax. Yesterday I stopped in greeted the owner and a few of the patrons, found a nice quiet spot and packed my first bowl. I was about to light my pipe when the owner screams from across the lounge "You can't smoke that in here!!!!". Confused and engulfed in a haze smoke I asked Why? He them proceeded to tell me that pipe smoke interferes and effects the smell and taste of cigar tobacco, he then told me I was more then welcome to stay, buy a cigar and smoke that, but if I wanted to smoke my pipe I would have to leave immediately. My question is has anyone ever heard of such a thing? I mean I've smoked my pipe at the JR Cigar Lounge and The Cigars International Lounge surrounded by cigars and cigar smokers and no one has ever said a peep. I would just like to know if this guys claim holds any truth?

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Wow, that guy's a genius. Does he forbid infused cigars too?
I've noticed taste being affected by other people's smoke mostly at the West Coast Pipe Show. There's around 400-600 people there all smoking their pipes and when I'm puffing on a bowl of 1Q around a bunch of guys puffing on Frog Morton my 1Q doesn't taste quite the same. I don't think 4-6 guys in a smoking lounge though would really have a similar effect. I've never had a cigar guy complain about my pipe in a lounge.
The only time I've been told not to strike up a pipe in a lounge was as I headed to the walk in humidor. I didn't realize it would effect the humidity in the humidor.

Jun 4, 2014
First off Welcome to the forum. I call BS on that statement, its more likely that if they do not sell pipes and pipe tobacco that he doesn't want someone coming in just to use the lounge. Its usually good etiquette to make a purchase prior to using the lounge at a shop. CI & JR's sell both cigar and pipe tobacco so that is why they don't have a problem with pipe smoking in their lounges.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Our little B&M welcomes all smokers. While there are no cigarettes sold at the place people who smoke them are welcome to sit and visit cigar and pipe smokers. Since I smoke both cigars and pipes (I try to stay nimble) I have no problem with what other are smoking and have noticed any effects on my smokes.



May 18, 2016
You are correct derfatdutchman and I should have also stated that in my original post. The shop does not sell pipe tobacco or pipes. And I assumed that was the issue, I offered to pay a fee or make a purchase since this establishment does sell drinks like water, soda etc. to use the lounge. He told me the issue was not that, it was simply that my pipe smoke would effect the smell and taste of the other patrons cigars.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 18, 2014
Bloomfield, IN
That guy is not only an ASS, he's also an IDIOT! I would ask him to site his source, I would bet money that it's a bunch of BS and if he still persists in the proliferation of his stupidity. I would tell him "Congratulations dumb-ass, you just lost a potentially very good customer!" and in today's anti-tobacco environment, that's nothing to scoff at, especially when you factor in word-of-mouth.
P.S. Welcome to the forum!

Jun 4, 2014
"I offered to pay a fee or make a purchase since this establishment does sell drinks like water, soda etc. to use the lounge. He told me the issue was not that, it was simply that my pipe smoke would effect the smell and taste of the other patrons cigars."
In that case, the guy is just a jerk and doesn't deserve your patronage at his business.



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016
Find a new spot.
I did a trip last month to the east coast and wandered in the Allegheny Smokeworks. The lounge area was pack full of cigar smokers, and I sat down, introduced myself and lit my pipe up. Not a single one of the cigar smokers lifted an eyebrow and we had a nice chat. The next day the Pittsburgh Pipe Club met so I went back and found more of my like minded people. In a room full of pipe smokers, a lone cigar guy came in, and no one judged him either. Well....not out loud...



Jun 1, 2013
There are only 2 "legal" indoor smoking lounges in my city; a $1500 a year members only club, and the casino on the first nations reserve. Funny thing is, the casino will not allow you to smoke anything without a filter. In other words, no pipes or cigars, cigarettes only :crazy:
As to the store owners comment. Sounds like a bunch of BS to me. It is his store, so he can do as he pleases, but that would be enough for me to never return.



Feb 21, 2013
I assume the cigar lounge owner wants to sell cigars and feels that pipe smokers won't buy any, or as many. Second, he doesn't want to have you influencing his cigar customers to smoke pipes instead, for fear they will not buy as many of his cigars. As an overlay to that, he may have convinced himself, while selling some very expensive cigars, that these are such subtle and nuanced flavors that another sort of tobacco might distort the wonderful flavors that would otherwise be experienced. Of course, this is simply not true, or various brands of cigars being smoked by various people in his lounge would all corrupt the others' experience and cause the same problem. But it's a fancy fantasy, and maybe a good selling point, if you are peddling cigars at $30 a pop, or $15, or whatever. So of course this is b.s., but he's the owner. Just don't go back. See how it works for him.

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