I'm new to this Forum and Relatively new to pipe smoking. Recently while driving through the town I live in, I noticed a new Cigar Shop that also houses a very nice lounge with numerous TV's and a BYOB policy. I thought to myself fantastic!! since no one smokes in my house this would be a great place I can go enjoy my pipe, watch a game and relax. Yesterday I stopped in greeted the owner and a few of the patrons, found a nice quiet spot and packed my first bowl. I was about to light my pipe when the owner screams from across the lounge "You can't smoke that in here!!!!". Confused and engulfed in a haze smoke I asked Why? He them proceeded to tell me that pipe smoke interferes and effects the smell and taste of cigar tobacco, he then told me I was more then welcome to stay, buy a cigar and smoke that, but if I wanted to smoke my pipe I would have to leave immediately. My question is has anyone ever heard of such a thing? I mean I've smoked my pipe at the JR Cigar Lounge and The Cigars International Lounge surrounded by cigars and cigar smokers and no one has ever said a peep. I would just like to know if this guys claim holds any truth?