Lately I Have found myself adding more tobacco on top of dottle.
Laziness? Perhaps. It would be easy to tap out the remaining contents and re pack the bowl. But 9/10th the way through a bowl, I just feel like smoking a little longer. Then I get to happily smoke another 20 or so minutes. No noticeable harshness. This morning I added two pinches of Old Joe onto dottle from H&H AJ VaPers- a nice switch up, imo.
Laziness? Perhaps. It would be easy to tap out the remaining contents and re pack the bowl. But 9/10th the way through a bowl, I just feel like smoking a little longer. Then I get to happily smoke another 20 or so minutes. No noticeable harshness. This morning I added two pinches of Old Joe onto dottle from H&H AJ VaPers- a nice switch up, imo.