I have favorites in different categories. I certainly have my best pipes, the ones that are at higher price levels that have the cache of being fine smokers and luxury items. Some of the ones I favor most are the oldest, that have stood the test of time and never let me down. Fortunately or not, I think most of my pipes would be specifically missed if I lost them. They have different uses, favor different blends, and serve slightly different purposes. Most of my Petes and Savs have specific memories and specifications which I value. Some pipes have added value for having been gifts; I put a lot of store in these pipes and their givers. Also, many of my pipes just have a certain uniqueness that cannot be duplicated, which is probably why I bought them; they didn't duplicate what I had. I could grab many pipes off the racks and play them as my one favorite pipe, and explain, somewhat honestly, why.
A couple who had fostered two Maine Coon rescue cats I adopted came to visit and see how they were doing the Christmas after I adopted them. Devilishly, as we sat there and the cats showed off their toys and tricks, I asked, "Do you know which one I like best?" There was a horrified silence while they digested the idea that I liked one of my little gangsters better than the other. And after the silence had gone on long enough, I smiled and said, "Which ever one I'm petting at the time."