im pretty new to pipe smoking, altough I've started long ago, im not smoking very frequantly.
In my first few smokes I had trouble lighting it up, and I manage to fix the problam by learning how to better compress the tobacoo and light it with harder air sucks (pardon my language :roll. But this made me think: can the tobacco be burnt too much? I mean if I apply extra heat to it, can it cause flavor problams and such? also does lighting the tobacco with matchs is better than lighter? what's behind that? sorry for any grammer mistakes and I hope my questions was clear!
im pretty new to pipe smoking, altough I've started long ago, im not smoking very frequantly.
In my first few smokes I had trouble lighting it up, and I manage to fix the problam by learning how to better compress the tobacoo and light it with harder air sucks (pardon my language :roll. But this made me think: can the tobacco be burnt too much? I mean if I apply extra heat to it, can it cause flavor problams and such? also does lighting the tobacco with matchs is better than lighter? what's behind that? sorry for any grammer mistakes and I hope my questions was clear!