Yesterday I bought a tin of Dunhill EMP. I had not smoked this blend since 5 years or so (I stopped smoking for a few years). When I first tried it, it was something great I felt smoking this tobacco. At the time, I was only smoking cherry and vanilla aromatics, McBaren's Cube and stuff of the sort. When I opened the tin yesterday it was disappointing just by looking at the tobacco. I remember it different, darker tobacco mixed with the yellow thick leaves. Yesterday it was much more brownish looking and the smell was not as bright as I remembered. The smoke was nice, It lucked the brightness I remember but it was good. Maybe you itchiness on my throat by the end of the bowl.
There is this say: "To the place you have been happy, you should never try to go back"
Is my mind making all this up? Or has there been some changes in the classic tobacco?
There is this say: "To the place you have been happy, you should never try to go back"
Is my mind making all this up? Or has there been some changes in the classic tobacco?