Some Aussie I befriended recently who makes documentaries turned me onto the films of Dennis O'Rourke. I've only watched Cannibal Tours and half of Cunnamulla so far, and they were probably two of the most peculiar, thought provoking and sordid documentaries I've ever seen. This guy really had a way with the camera and getting really up-close to people's lives. I had a hard time finishing Cunnamulla as it was just a bit too depressing for me at the time, but I will revisit it. I'm curious what the Australian contingent here thinks of his films, particularly Cunnamulla. He seems to be a rather polarizing figure down under, which I can understand. Some might argue Cunnamulla sort of ruined those two girls lives but they didn't seem to have much of a start to begin with and he was helping to document a community that seemed all but forgotten or ignored by the greater society. Cannibal Tours on the other hand... well, what I found the most interesting about this film is that not only did it effectively make the point that the actual people on those tours were the real cannibals but it also sort of turned the viewer into one as I think the average person (including myself) decided to watch the film out of some abject desire to see cannibalism.
Both films are on YouTube for those who might be interested.
Both films are on YouTube for those who might be interested.