I’m sure this topic has been covered and my search skills just aren’t up to snuff; but I’m looking for a daily smoker that is really full flavored, dark, earthy, smoky, and fulfilling. I don’t get to smoke a lot, 1-2 bowls per day (if I’m lucky), and have tried the following: store brand (close to 1Q, it turns out), ESP (I think), 1Q, EMP, 965, MacBerend Scottish, Nightcap, and C&D Bayou Night. The latter 2 fit best, but still searching. I’m told that a couple of the Esoteric blends and the Frog Morton’s would be great, but aren’t available. I drink strong coffee and tea black, and apparently like my tobacco similarly dark, as nothing remotely “light” or “aro” even appeals to me. I know there are literally thousands to try, but do you have any advice to at least shortcut the sampling? I’m not disappointed by the latter 2 blends, necessarily; but if there is something MORE to try, I’d like to give it a whirl and save buying a million samples.