Considering the volume that UPS et all do, I am surprised there are not more problems. I hate waiting too, but considering that we can get package across the country in about a week I think we can cut them a little slack.
Like I said in another thread, full disclosure I work for UPS. Now I know many of you might think I only defend UPS because I work there. I swear to you thats not the case. I have no particular loyalty to UPS and have only been there for a little over a year and half.
Anyway, slightly off topic, but to give you an idea of the amount of volume we do at the Denver International Airport Hub where I work, on a normal day we have anywhere from 15,000-20,000 packages that come in daily on aircraft and by truck. We start at 4:00 a.m. and unload, sort, scan, and reload those packages on to trailers, package vans and smaller freight planes in about 2 to 2 and half hours (I'm usually punching out around 6:00-6:30 a.m.) Since January 1st we've had 1 misload (a misload is where a package is accidentally scanned and loaded on to the wrong truck and shipped to the wrong destination.) If that sounds like a lot, my hub is considered the "country club", other hubs in CO do upwards of 50,000 packages daily. We only approach that number at my Hub between thanksgiving and Christmas and then it takes us about 3 hours. :D
Needless to say, its a workout. My shirt is soaked in sweat by the time I get off. And when I say soaked, I mean SOAKED. Like someone dumped a bucket of water on me. I have to wring them out before tossing them in the wash!!