LOL - Labs!
When we first moved into the big city from Northern B.C. all those years ago, we decided that our house would feel more like home with a dog. Having a small chunk of property, including a swimming-hole, a Lab seemed like the perfect match for our needs; little did we know that said property was also home to an assortment of skunks, coons, possums, and the bane of Bijou's existance, porcupines. I swear, over the three years we lived in that house, we must have spent 156 days picking quills out of her snout (yes, thats one incident per week...).
Our next home saw us living on the water; the dungeoness (crab) would pile up around the pilings of the local pier, so I figured I would do my duty and help with this obvious over-population boom. Wouldn't you know it, instead of quills, it became a weekly slice from a cutting claw (or worse when the crusher gets involved).
These days, we have downsized to a rescued shitzu; although he leaves the wildlife alone, he likes to think he's tough. Our neighbours have a pair of Newfies (large breed), our little dog is convinced he can take 'em. Sadly, this doesn't restrict itself to dogs - when it comes to people, 95% of the time, he goes for a toe (or ankle). Oddly enough, the first person I've seen him take to outside of the family is Marm4lade; the little dog was in heaven when they met.