Hey guys, Was searching the site, and noticed an article about customizing your own blend (insert link here).I dont know if there is a thread on this or not, but it got wondering about if anyone has their own blend of tobacco that they have came up with and would like to share the recipe. For example, I am a OTC tobacco addict, mainly because there are no real shops around me. So I have limited selection for my palate. But thanks to a online site (I forget the name) I found out that mixing Half and Half with Capt Black white, renders a great smoke, especially for a poor man like me who is easily bored and likes to mix it up some. So I have started mixing different things to see what else I can come up with. But thats the best so far... Nsfisher, (sorry for including you without your permission), helped me think of this with the drum and vanilla extract comment the other day. Ill share my recipe, and it is simply as follows: 4 PARTS HALF & HALF, 1 PART CAPT BLACK WHITE. If anyone would like to share theirs go ahead. If this is a topic somewhere else, Lets update it. Whatya think??