Twice I have sorted through my pipe cabinet and racks and plucked out the pipes that weren't working so well for me and sent them off for store credit at online retailers, then applied to pipes I wanted more. Each time it was a good experience. I had four or five or six pipes that I just wasn't using, that needed repairs. On a third occasion I donated some pipes to a friend who had quit Lucky Strikes years ago, didn't want to smoke pipes, but wanted a few pipes for decor. In recent years, several times, I've assessed my stable of pipes and thought about culling again, toward X or Y up-market pipes. In each instance, I've come up empty on any pipes I'd care to trade. I can gather in my mind the candidates for culling, but then I realize that they are good smokers. Some are not pretty for charring or chatter. One or two have no stamps. But all of the wear is mine, and evidence that I've gotten good use from them. Sometimes, you just know a good thing when you see it.