Does anyone else have any thoughts about this one? I had a second bowl yesterday, in a Dublin, tapered bowl, and the toppings seemed slightly less intense. Very little nicotine, just a hint of tanginess which hits every now and then but no pepperiness from any perique. The burley did seem to come out a bit at the bottom of the bowl. Most of the flavor I get, which is pleasant, is not from what I can identify as tobacco. The first blend I tried from CS was the Yazoo Witch I got this Fall, and it was fantastic, so I was excited to try the Dark Holler. I guess I should have paid more attention to the actual taste description, and probably had my own preconceptions based on the blend's previous name reference. That wasn't a sweet place- I think the burglar only found three strawberries there, though there were some butterflies- I definitely wasn't expecting this level of sweetness in the blend. I'm interested in hearing what others think-