COPD and other Lung Issues

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Oct 13, 2023
Hey guys. I've found some threads over time with people talking about COPD diagnosis and such and some quit and others stayed the course with the pipes. I'm curious to find out from anyone with Chronic Bronchitis or other forms of COPD how your pipe smoking has affected your condition if at all.
I have a diagnosis for Chronic Bronchitis. My breathing test came back great with no signs of illness, but the doctor says my coughing is still due to chronic bronchitis. I can only assume we caught it really early. I have successfully left cigarettes in my past but do love my pipes now.
I'm planning on a wait and see approach, always smoke outdoors, never inhale, limit my bowls, ... but I'm curious some of the others that have posted over the years, what have you found out for yourself? Did you end up quitting or are you still puffing away? If so has there been any noticeable affect on your breathing.
I know the logical thing to do is quit... it's that whole quality vs quantity debate :) Thanks


Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Burlington WI
I'm all for smoking. Cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc. I don't drink alcohol. Never have, never will. So smoking has always been "my thing". My doctors always tell me to quit, except when I told one that pipes were how I relaxed, when I went in for anxiety and depression meds. That Dr told me she was glad I had a way to relax. But I've always had clear lungs, good BP, etc.

But if I had chronic lung issues, it would be so uncomfortable to smoke, and only make it worse.


Dec 12, 2022
I don't have chronic lung issues, but I (and my wife) definitely notice some coughing and sleep apnea when I smoke pipes and cigars frequently (more than once or twice a week). Even without inhaling, smoke gets into your lungs. There is no way I would touch tobacco if I had COPD or chronic bronchitis.


Nov 26, 2018
No lung issues. Only organ that seems to be doing ok. I hate coughing. Used to go into coughing fit and get dizzy and all that when I was a kid. So if I get coughing, I wait till I'm done coughing. Nothing worse than not being able to breath. One of the reason I like smoking so much is it makes me feel like I can breath. I know it doesn't make sense, but good smoke makes me feel like everything is off my chest and I can breath again.

But if you are coughing, I would wait till that's under control before continuing to smoke.
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