I'm wondering if they have some way of serving up an environment based on what they detect are your interests.
That's an idea that you could sell to Google and EA, Kevin! The ultimate product placement / targeted advertising for gamers! Of course they do it already, but to a small extent (product placement, that is).
@Wall--yes, eagerly anticipating the release of ME3 (and the movie that's in the works, supposedly--although the comics are...meh) and Dragon Age 2 (supposedly in March). If you like the RPG genre and have played Arkham / ME then you really should look at DA--it's got a phenomenal amount of gameplay, *and* replay value. It's listed as 100+ hours, and I think I spent 111 on my first play-through. I'm on my 4th now. Ok, I admit it--922 hours between those 3 games. I had a lot of vacation! Also the rumor is that ME3 will have multiplayer.
And now that I'm thinking back, Dragon Age has more than a bit of pipe smoking in it, but then it would as it's a rather Tolkein-esque milieu. I'll leaf through and see if I can find some screenshots.