So I picked up vintage Medico that has a screw on bit it had a stinger which I removed
But I’ve cleaned this with alchohol several times!! I even did a 24 hour salt treat!! The shank is filthy I think I am calling it the right part
Between the bowl and the big. I can soak a pipe cleaner and run it, and use 20 a tips and they all come out dark brown? The brown had about 3/8 of inch thick cake
Which I removed so can the shank build cake to? I’m baffled as to how to get this clean. Please help and feel free to correct me on my pipe anatomy lol!!
But I’ve cleaned this with alchohol several times!! I even did a 24 hour salt treat!! The shank is filthy I think I am calling it the right part
Between the bowl and the big. I can soak a pipe cleaner and run it, and use 20 a tips and they all come out dark brown? The brown had about 3/8 of inch thick cake
Which I removed so can the shank build cake to? I’m baffled as to how to get this clean. Please help and feel free to correct me on my pipe anatomy lol!!