You can take the system pipes apart right after smoking. Immediately after a smoke, I remove the stem and dump out the moisture. As I don't dry my tobacco, usually plenty comes out. Then I blow strongly thru the removed stem, and if needed clear out the draft hole with the poker on my pipe tool. I will also scrape the bowl with my pipe knife. Just enough to smooth it out. After the last smoke of the day, I pull the stem and run a pipe cleaner, starting from the button always. Then I fold the cleaner in half and scrub the draft hole in the stummel. I then take a napkin or bit of paper towel and twist it into the system reservoir. I try to do this each night, but not a big deal if I skip a night. I typically leave the stem off over night to dry out and smoke the same pipe the next day. Been doing this with the same pipe for almost a year and hasn't gone sour yet!