I'm in the no reaming school. Wipe the bowl out after each smoke. Scour might be too strong a term, but
that's the idea. This keeps the cake quite thin, but doesn't diminish the smoking characteristics at all, in
my opinion. I have pipes that are pushing forty years old that have done fine on this basis. I had a great
old pipe smoking friend who gave his pipes (quite a few) to a friend who offered to ream them, and ruined
them all. Amateurs can be overzealous and ruin a pipe in one bad reaming job. Once you get it burning
unevenly, that can be the beginning of the end. So I'd say, if you can avoid reaming, and you can, that's
the way to go. I have almost sixty pipes, some of then 30/40 years old, and I don't own a reamer.