The pipe is supposedly a Lorenzetti pipe. I got it for $40 US after some serious negoiating. Not sure if it really is as I can not find it any where on the internet and it is seriously cheaper price wise then any of the pipes on their website. However it is still smokes well and is a decent new pipe in the collection. Tell me what you guys think.
First, the three tins in the front are Davidoff Green, Red and Blue mixture. All 50g. I think the Green is the same thing as the "Light" blend. I got these for $6.50 a can in Duty Free at the air port in Doha. Bottom shelf, in the back behind all the cigars on the shelf. lol
The rest I got in a store called "The Smoking Centre" in Abu Dhabi. Paid a total of $54 US.
Mac Baren Scotish Blend 50g
Mac Baren Original Choice 50g
Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Loose Cut 50g
Stanwell Honey & Caramel with Hint of Vanilla 50g
Peterson Holiday Season 2010 100g
So far I have only tried the Mac Baren Original and have say that it is the best tobacco I have ever smoked. I havn't smoked much but this is hands down netter then anything else I have tried. Can't wait to try everything else.
The Peterson Smells wonderful the description on the back says it has an aroma of Cookies & Cream with a touch of Espresso
All in all paid a total of $113.50. Have to say that was a great deal for all that. I looked at the loacl stuff and just didn't find it interesting. I went into three different tobacco shops in Abu Dhabi and have to say it was nice to see just as much store space given to pipe related stuff as anything else. There, pipe stuff shared space with the Hookah stuff, pipes, cigaretts and the Midwakh stuff.