Caliqueño, Pata de Elefante, Farias or Señoritas.
Like other artisan cigars, Caliqueño is made up of three parts, each of which is made with different layers of the tobacco plant:
Tripa: it is the filling of the cigar and it is made from shredded tobacco.
Capote: first leaf that wraps and holds the casing, usually made with leaves from the middle part of the tobacco plant. Normally, like the casing, the leaf of this part comes from the tobacco plant grown in the open air.
Cape: it is the final sheet that surrounds the gut and the cape. Unlike the other parts, the tobacco plant is grown, in this case, in an enclosure covered with cloth. In this way, a greenhouse effect is achieved that causes greater leaf growth.
Caliqueño is usually a 10cm long cigar with a quite striking finish due to the irregularity, roughness and thickness of the leaf ribs, unlike other cigars, which have a smooth and clean finish. The reason for this rough appearance is due to the adaptation experienced by the tobacco plant when growing under climatic conditions that are not those of this species.
Another of the technical characteristics of this cigar is that it is a totally dry cigar, unlike those of Central America and the Caribbean, which carry a certain degree of humidity.