Don't feel bad- I live in a 50 year old cottage with a tiny 1 car garage in downtown Sarasota. My sanding and buffing table is 8' long that rolls outside when I'm making dust- blow it clean with a leafblower when I'm finished. The only thing stationary is the Grizzly 9x20 metal lathe- big help on a variety of tasks. In about 6 months, we're moving to a house with 2.5 car garage that will be converted into a full blown pipe workshop with heavy duty sandblaster, 12x36 metal lathe, and most importantly- nice leather chairs to enjoy a smoke and a refrigerator full of cold beer...25 years ago, I made my first 100 pipes with a $50 drill press, a used bandsaw,a half horse motor with arbor, and lots of cold beer...some things never change...